A Foggy Day

Homage to Charles Mingus…

I bought a Seagull 4a as a backup to my backup camera for one trip, and ended up using it a lot. It’s a very simple camera to use. It’s preferable to use zone focusing instead of the focusing screen, which can be a bit deceptive under certain circumstances. I’m used to this from other old cameras, so I don’t mind, but I’ve read other reviews of this camera wherein the authors espoused great difficulties in focusing. I think this was likely their problem. If you ignore the focusing screen for all purposes except for framing, you do OK. The focusing knob has a good depth of field scale – use that instead.

Also, this was shot using Plus-X from the 90s – as in it expired in the 90s. It was refrigerated and still looks great. The tonal range and rendering of midtones is among my favorites.