An Interview With Funkie Ghost



An Interview With Funkie Ghost: Funkie Ghost isn't certain...

I recently took a few minutes to interview my friend Funkie Ghost, who frequently appears with me on this page…

Twee Cat: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. Many of our readers have asked, when and where were you born?

Funkie Ghost: I guess I was born the day that I died.

Twee Cat: What do you think about the government?

Funkie Ghost: I wasn’t aware we had a government.

Twee Cat: Good point, we don’t. Next question. How about ‘Don’t Worry About The Government?’

Funkie Ghost: I like it. It’s pretty good.

Twee Cat: What are you made of?

Funkie Ghost: I am a loose conglomeration of transparent miasma held together by vague set of desires and whims. Depending on the clarity of my intentions, I am more or less cohesive, change shape, float higher or lower, and so on.

Twee Cat: So are you a non-physical being?

Funkie Ghost: I have no idea. I can interact with physical substances, except when I can’t.

Twee Cat: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Funkie Ghost: Probably either robbing a bank or buying a new calendar because I only have one for the rest of this year.

Twee Cat: How did you start appearing in Twee Cat Photography?

Funkie Ghost: One day, you were having an adventure and there was some blank space on the page and I just drifted in. I liked talking to you, so I stayed.

What is it exactly that makes Funkie Ghost so funky??

Twee Cat: Why do you spell your name with an ‘ie’ instead of a ‘y’?

Funkie Ghost: It’s after ‘The Funkie Moon’ by Smokey Johnson and Co., which I like to dance to when I’m in a good mood.

Twee Cat: What makes you so funky??

Funkie Ghost: Probably not very much. I enjoy funk, soul, jazz, and R&B music very much and I collect a lot of records in those genres.

Twee Cat: What is your life philosophy?

Funkie Ghost: Umm…I think it’s ‘try to be positive even when you’re mostly negative space.’

Twee Cat: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.

Funkie Ghost: Mhmm!

Funkie Ghost explains his life philosophy...