Prometheus And The Eagle

Feral Fox is one cool dude...
Feral Fox is an occasional contributor to Twee Cat Photography…

Prometheus was an ancient hero. He saw that humanity had no means of keeping warm or preparing food, and to remedy this, he stole fire from the Gods. This was in the time of Zeus and all the others, and to make things worse, it happened on a day when Zeus was feeling particularly testy and short-tempered, having just lost a significant amount of money investing in the stock market. He just wasn’t having it. As punishment for having stolen the secret of fire from the Gods, Zeus chained Prometheus to a cliff. He sent an eagle to go there once a day and devour Prometheus’ liver. Each day, after the eagle had eaten it, Prometheus’ liver would grow back, only to be eaten again by the eagle the following day. It was an endless cycle of liver eating.

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