Seven Planet Alignment II (Method To Obtain A Pure Vision Of The Planet Venus)

February 28th, 2025 – Are you ready for the seven planet alignment??

Some interplanetary magicians are saying that if you listen to the Sun Ra song ‘Moonship Journey’ one hundred and eight times (for instance, by using a mala as one would for mantras) from the time that the sun rises until the sign that it sets, then you’ll have a vision of the planet venus as seen from outer space.

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Woodsy Owl Catchphrases For The New Climate Era

In 2024, for the first time ever, global temperatures exceeded the threshold envisioned in the Paris Climate Accords of 1.5 degrees celcius above pre-industrial levels. This had previously been described by climate scientists as a tipping point beyond which the worst effects of climate change became unavoidable. In light of this, we here at Twee Cat Photography have decided to suggest a set of new catchphrases for the beloved US Forestry Service mascot Woodsy Owl, which we feel are more suited to our current reality.

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