Ilford FP4 Sheet Film Fact Sheet

This is not, mind you, a fact sheet for Ilford FP4+ (note the plus!) but instead for it’s predecessor, Ilford FP4 (no plus). It includes information on HP4, the antecedant of the current Ilford HP5+ emulsion. It’s from the mid-70’s I think, although it could be from as late as the 80’s. This is for sheet film, and describes also the notching for the film, which is quite useful.

The fact sheet is in six languages – English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and another language which I can’t quite identify, but which I think is either Icelandic or Swedish (I’m leaning towards Icelandic but I’m not sure). I’m provinding this in case you are a photographer looking for this information and you can’t find it, or can’t find it in your language. See the other five versions, as follows:


Please note – I do not own the rights to these documents. If you are the rights holder and you want me to take them down, please contact me and I will do so without objection. My aim here is only to make available for public use information which is otherwise unavailable or hard to find. I do not seek to profit from this in any way whatsoever. This information is quite old and hard to find, so I’m only trying to help others out.