Camera And Darkroom, January 1904

Ol’ Uncle Twee Cat’s Photo Esoterica, Pt. 4:

~ Camera And Darkroom Magazine, January 1904 ~

This here is a magazine I received by post this week or last. It could have been the week before. Quite pricey these days at ten cents per issue. What’s that you said there, you young thing you? This document is almost a hundred and twenty years old and it’s in the public domain now? Oh. Huh. Has my watch stopped? Where am I?

{ .pdf at the end! }

The first article is a technically minded look at spiritualist/pictoralist photography and the many camera tricks used to achieve unusual effects.

“It is hardly necessary here to suggest the amusing effects which can be obtained by this process. A man playing cards with himself, sparring with himself, fighting a duel with himself, will all naturally suggest themselves.”

The Camera And Darkroom January 1904