Eastman Professional Photographic Apparatus 1930

Ol’ Uncle Twee Cat’s Photo Esoterica, Pt. 2:

Are you tired of viewing the latest AI generated images of a fake reality into which you have invested the vast majority of your psychic energy?? No? Oh. Well, I am. So here’s this Eastman catalog for the early ’30s. There’s a good amount of useful information if you’re interested in early photography.

There’s a .pdf at the end of the post.

More useful highlights and information contained in this publication:

Kodak Plates – Speed ratings and types, circa 1930:

Kodak Velox Papers – weights, sizes, etc.

Kodak AZO papers – weights, finishes, etc. (very useful because it’s often not apparent from the labels of these old packs what their characteristics are)

Eastman Postcards – Paper types, Sizes, etc. These have attained a following among collectors of real photo postcards, which were photographs taken often by amateurs of local places of importance. These often serve as a useful historic photographic record for localities which might not have an extensive photographic record otherwise. The paper types are listed here. They can often be determined from the labeling for where the stamp on the postcard is supposed to go as they were pre-printed with the address and such on the reverse.
